


Artist talk with MA students: Jette Dalsgaard and Sunneva Ása Weisshappel

A warm welcome to an artist talk with Jette Dalsgaard and Sunneva Ása Weisshappel on Sunday June 2nd at 17:00 - 17:40. Tracing Roots - Thin Filaments and Porous Forms is the title of the final exhibition of the MA students from the Fine Arts department at the Iceland University of the Arts. With great sensitivity for the affective relationship of everything hidden, the world of objects and nature, the artists share their ideas and sharp views on the contemporary state of impermanence, transformation and rhythm of life at all times. Jette and Sunneva will meet the guests and talk about their works. Afterwards Camilla Cerioni will have a 15 minute performance that will continue every day the exhibition is open at 17:30.

Photo: Kristinn Magnússon

A warm welcome to an artist talk with Jette Dalsgaard and Sunneva Ása Weisshappel on Sunday June 2nd at 17:00 - 17:40. Tracing Roots - Thin Filaments and Porous Forms is the title of the final exhibition of the MA students from the Fine Arts department at the Iceland University of the Arts. With great sensitivity for the affective relationship of everything hidden, the world of objects and nature, the artists share their ideas and sharp views on the contemporary state of impermanence, transformation and rhythm of life at all times. Jette and Sunneva will meet the guests and talk about their works. Afterwards Camilla Cerioni will have a 15 minute performance that will continue every day the exhibition is open at 17:30.

Photo: Kristinn Magnússon