Aaloe-Ader-Flo-Künnap-Soosalu, Anna Líndal, Daiga Grantina, Gerður Helgadóttir, Jussi Kivi, Katya Buchatska, Kadri Liis Rääk, Monika Czyżyk, Valgerður Briem, Zenta Logina
Sequences XI: Can’t See — Subterrain
This exhibition stems from the surrounding darkness. It starts from the feeling that the world is crumbling in our hands, while a strong wind blows the last of its remains even further. We cannot see the ever-growing threat of ecological destruction, just as we cannot see the potential new directions and life forms rising from the ruins of the old world.
Aaloe-Ader-Flo-Künnap-Soosalu (EE)
Anna Líndal (IS)
Daiga Grantina (LV)
Gerður Helgadóttir (IS)
Jussi Kivi (FI)
Katya Buchatska (UKR)
Kadri Liis Rääk (EE)
Monika Czyżyk (PL)
Valgerður Briem (IS)
Zenta Logina (LV)
Marika Agu, Maria Arusoo, Kaarin Kivirähk, Sten Ojavee (Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art)