

Open call

The Living Art Museum is calling for applications from artists and/or curators for the museum’s fall exhibition in 2025. This time we are calling for exhibition proposals. Both solo and group exhibitions will be considered. The proposal must describe the participating artists as well as the concepts that the exhibition is based on. The selection committee is the board of the Living Art Museum. Nýló will provide professional and artistic support in preparation of the exhibition and we encourage everyone to apply regardless of social position, gender, sexuality, race, class, nationality or age. 

Applications will be accepted until 4pm on September 20th, 2024. 

Applicants will receive an answer before the end of September 2024. See detailed information here below.

The exhibition period will be August to September 2025 in the exhibition space of The Living Art Museum, Marshallhúsið. Here is a drawing of the space and here are images. Please note those links are for clarity only, the exhibition is not expected to be fully-formed at this point. 

The application must include:

# 1 —  Applicant's name, e-mail address, phone number and date of birth.

# 2 — An exhibition proposal describing the concepts and preliminary ideas for the outcome of the exhibition. Maximum of 1 page.

# 3 —  Five images of previous works from the participating artists. For time-related works, videos or audio works, insert a link that leads directly to Vimeo, Youtube or similar services and not as files via e-mail.

# 4 —  CVs of participants, maximum of 1 page each. 

#5 — If applicants are based outside of Iceland, a financial plan/list of costs and proposed grant funds must be included, addressing costs related to transport of works, travel, accommodation and/or other related costs.

Deadline: 4pm September 20th.

Applications must be sent to nylo (at) nylo.is with subject line opencall_2024. Printed applications will not be accepted. Inquiries can be sent to the same email address.

Applications and all related material should be submitted as one PDF document. The files must not be larger than 10 MB. Applications that do not comply with the requested requirements and guidelines or missing any materials will not be considered.

The Living Art Museum's contribution:

— Artists' fees for the exhibition and participation in one artist talk / guided tour

— Communication and PR

— Project management and artistic support as needed

— Installation assistance

— Photo documentation 

— Application writing and fundraising

The Living Art Museum seeks funding through project grants for all aspects of exhibitions, and the final exhibition framework is dependent on the funds collected. The museum cannot fund or apply for travel expenses or subsistence for artists based outside of Iceland or the capital area.

Selection process:

The board of the Living Art Museum makes the selection and the aim is to announce the result by the end of September 2024. 


Over the last few years, an open call for an autumn exhibition has become a tradition at the Living Art Museum. The framework of said open call has taken different forms. The goal of changing the format is to ensure that the museum can continue being a grassroots venue and producing diverse and surprising exhibitions in dialogue with the current times. By looking outwards the museum widens it’s horizons, making it better equipped to promote the diversity of art in Iceland. 

The Living Art Museum emphasizes the diversity of perspectives and experiments in contemporary fine art practices. In line with the museum’s history, Nýló seeks to open the public's eyes to the relative aesthetics of contemporary art and the changing subjects of contemporary artists, which often go hand in hand with current social issues. Everyone is encouraged to apply, regardless of social position, gender, sexuality, race, class, social positions, nationality or age. 

Open call

The Living Art Museum is calling for applications from artists and/or curators for the museum’s fall exhibition in 2025. This time we are calling for exhibition proposals. Both solo and group exhibitions will be considered. The proposal must describe the participating artists as well as the concepts that the exhibition is based on. The selection committee is the board of the Living Art Museum. Nýló will provide professional and artistic support in preparation of the exhibition and we encourage everyone to apply regardless of social position, gender, sexuality, race, class, nationality or age. 

Applications will be accepted until 4pm on September 20th, 2024. 

Applicants will receive an answer before the end of September 2024. See detailed information here below.

The exhibition period will be August to September 2025 in the exhibition space of The Living Art Museum, Marshallhúsið. Here is a drawing of the space and here are images. Please note those links are for clarity only, the exhibition is not expected to be fully-formed at this point. 

The application must include:

# 1 —  Applicant's name, e-mail address, phone number and date of birth.

# 2 — An exhibition proposal describing the concepts and preliminary ideas for the outcome of the exhibition. Maximum of 1 page.

# 3 —  Five images of previous works from the participating artists. For time-related works, videos or audio works, insert a link that leads directly to Vimeo, Youtube or similar services and not as files via e-mail.

# 4 —  CVs of participants, maximum of 1 page each. 

#5 — If applicants are based outside of Iceland, a financial plan/list of costs and proposed grant funds must be included, addressing costs related to transport of works, travel, accommodation and/or other related costs.

Deadline: 4pm September 20th.

Applications must be sent to nylo (at) nylo.is with subject line opencall_2024. Printed applications will not be accepted. Inquiries can be sent to the same email address.

Applications and all related material should be submitted as one PDF document. The files must not be larger than 10 MB. Applications that do not comply with the requested requirements and guidelines or missing any materials will not be considered.

The Living Art Museum's contribution:

— Artists' fees for the exhibition and participation in one artist talk / guided tour

— Communication and PR

— Project management and artistic support as needed

— Installation assistance

— Photo documentation 

— Application writing and fundraising

The Living Art Museum seeks funding through project grants for all aspects of exhibitions, and the final exhibition framework is dependent on the funds collected. The museum cannot fund or apply for travel expenses or subsistence for artists based outside of Iceland or the capital area.

Selection process:

The board of the Living Art Museum makes the selection and the aim is to announce the result by the end of September 2024. 


Over the last few years, an open call for an autumn exhibition has become a tradition at the Living Art Museum. The framework of said open call has taken different forms. The goal of changing the format is to ensure that the museum can continue being a grassroots venue and producing diverse and surprising exhibitions in dialogue with the current times. By looking outwards the museum widens it’s horizons, making it better equipped to promote the diversity of art in Iceland. 

The Living Art Museum emphasizes the diversity of perspectives and experiments in contemporary fine art practices. In line with the museum’s history, Nýló seeks to open the public's eyes to the relative aesthetics of contemporary art and the changing subjects of contemporary artists, which often go hand in hand with current social issues. Everyone is encouraged to apply, regardless of social position, gender, sexuality, race, class, social positions, nationality or age.