


Lestrarfélag Nýló: Claire Paugam

Kæru lestrarfélagar,

Næsta lestrarkvöld verður þriðjudagskvöldið 25. maí kl. 20:30. Að þessu sinni stýrir Claire Paugam umræðum, sem fara að mestu fram á ensku. Claire valdi nokkra kafla úr bókinni Pina Bausch — The Biography. Lesefnið má nálgast með því að skrifa á nylo(hjá)nylo.is.

Claire skrifaði eftirfarandi skilaboð til Lestrarfélagsins:

„I would like to share the book Pina Bausch — The Biography for the next reading club and focus on the notions of the inner need of art and intuitive creation, two elements that are at the core of Pina Bausch's creative process and perception of her art. 

I would like to share as well two videos (that we could also watch together during the reading session), one is an excerpt of the show Vollmond and the other an excerpt of the documentary Pina by Wim Wenders

Kæru lestrarfélagar,

Næsta lestrarkvöld verður þriðjudagskvöldið 25. maí kl. 20:30. Að þessu sinni stýrir Claire Paugam umræðum, sem fara að mestu fram á ensku. Claire valdi nokkra kafla úr bókinni Pina Bausch — The Biography. Lesefnið má nálgast með því að skrifa á nylo(hjá)nylo.is.

Claire skrifaði eftirfarandi skilaboð til Lestrarfélagsins:

„I would like to share the book Pina Bausch — The Biography for the next reading club and focus on the notions of the inner need of art and intuitive creation, two elements that are at the core of Pina Bausch's creative process and perception of her art. 

I would like to share as well two videos (that we could also watch together during the reading session), one is an excerpt of the show Vollmond and the other an excerpt of the documentary Pina by Wim Wenders